Baby Stover | Guy and Nancy | WRATS | Stover Pictures


Sunday, July 23, 2006

Well, We have been away from e-mail quite a bit this summer, but I have wanted to show you how much I have grown. I am officially 5 and a half months pregnant. Since I last wrote, I have put back on 6-8 of the 10 pounds I had lost during the first 4 months. On Tuesday July 25th we will find out the sex of the baby. I think it is a girl and most everyone else thinks it is a boy! I am the Mamma though, and I have a feeling!! :-) The baby just recently began kicking me and nearly every day I feel it! My morning, noon, and night sickness that has seemed to plague my pregnancy has finally eased up. I am still sick on many mornings of the week, but usually I do not feel bad the entire day! Well, that is about it. AIM starts in a few weeks and I am praying for an abundance of energy as this new class begins their adventure! - NANCY